Welcome Stripes Leadership

FourSight helps you understand how you approach a challenge that needs new thinking. FourSight reveals your problem-solving style. It does not measure how well you solve problems.

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I agree to allow the data I enter in this assessment to be stored and shared with the presenters who gave me access, FourSight administrators, researchers and the organization that sponsored the assessment. FourSight research is conducted on anonymous results only.

Optional demographic survey

The FourSight inventory is based on more than 15 years of research. To help us continue to refine and improve this tool we ask you to respond to some brief, and anonymous, demographic questions. Your individual responses will remain confidential. Information may be used in the aggregate for research, assessment validation, and educational program design.

Directions for completing the FourSight measure

Every day, we all face challenges, meet opportunities and solve problems from the simple to the complex. The statements below describe various activities associated with solving problems or dealing with challenging situations. For each statement, indicate the extent to which you feel the statement describes you. Don't worry about how effective you are in that activity, just indicate how descriptive each statement is of you by selecting one of the choices following each statement. The response scale ranges from 'Not like me at all' to 'Always like me.' As you respond, think about the way you really are, not how you would like to be. Remember, there are no right or wrong answers, just your opinions about yourself.

Try this example

I enjoy eating salad.